House of Chloe Orphanage

At house of Chloe Orphanage, we teach our children love, respect, boundaries, honesty, kindness, patience, gratitude grace by being good role models. 

Nature and nurture play a major role in child development, but nurture has a lot more of an influence on child development than nature.

Children become what they see, hear and learn.

Every child is born unique and with natural talents and gifts, it takes nurturing to really develop those talents and gifts and that is our primary objective at House of Chloe Orphanage.

We intend to help this child maximize their God given talents and gifts through effective mentoring and education.

At House of Chloe Orphanage, our desire for our children is to have a love and passion for God that overflows into love for mankind. We intend to model godliness.

A seed can be planted but unless it is watered and gets good sunlight, it will not be a healthy, thriving tree or plant.

We will water our kids with sound morals, quality education, love, kindness and empathy in order for them to be all that God has destined them to be.